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Tag: #development

Create a block for wordpress Gutenberg-Editor

How to create a simple block for Gutenberg-editor with javascript and React

Do you want to create custom blocks for the Gutenberg-editor, but are unsure how? Have you heard about JavaScript and React, but don’t know how to implement them into your code? Look no further! This article will guide you step-by-step on how to use JavaScript and React to create a simple block for the Gutenberg-editor – so you can start creating custom blocks with confidence.

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How to Overcome Distractions and Stay Focused When Working on Software

Are you constantly distracted by emails, social media notifications, and other interruptions while working on a software project? You’re not alone. According to recent research, the average software developer is interrupted at least every eleven minutes – leading to a lack of focus and decreased work productivity. But don’t give up hope! In this article, I’ll share tips for how to stay focused and overcome distractions so that you can be successful in your software development projects.


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