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Tag: mental health

Gaslighting 101: 6 Warning Signs You’re Being ‘Gas Lit’!

6 Signs of Gaslighting 🪔

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where a person or group of people make someone question their sanity, memory, and/or perception. It can leave the victim feeling confused, isolated, and helpless. Here are some signs of gaslighting.

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YOLO? No, YOMO: Young Adults and Mental Health in the Smartphone Age

Are smartphones destroying the mental health of young adults? This is a question that has been asked since the early days of the digital age. But with the evolution of technology, and the ever-increasing use of smartphones, this question has become more pertinent than ever. In this article, we’ll explore the impact of smartphones on the mental health of millennials, and the steps young adults can take to reclaim their mental clarity and wellbeing.

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