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Create and deploy a wordpress staging environment with docker in minutes

Are you using WordPress and want to test updates before you release them to the public? Want to avoid messing with your live environment? Docker can help! This article will show you how to create a staging environment with docker and deploy your changes.

Setup a docker environment

To get started with docker, you first need to install it. To do this, you will need to install the docker command-line tool on your system. After you have installed the docker command line tool, you can use it to work with containers. A container is a virtual environment that runs on top of a host OS. Containers allow you to isolate applications from each other and from the host system. This makes it easy to test changes without affecting your live environment.

To create a new docker environment, you can use the docker create command. The following example shows how to create a new environment called “test”:

docker create --name=test -p 80:80 -v /path/to/my/files:/usr/src/test

In the above example, the –name flag sets the name of the environment. The -p flag sets the port that the environment will use. The -v flag specifies the path to the directory where the environment will store its files. The rest of the flags are optional and are shown for informational purposes only.

Once you have created an environment, you can start it by using the docker run command. The following example starts the environment named “test” that was created in the previous example:

docker run --name=test -p 80:80 -v /path/to/my/files:/usr/src/test

Install wordpress

If you want to install wordpress on a system that already has a web server installed, you can use the docker-compose package to do it. The docker-compose package includes a wordpress container that you can use to install and configure wordpress.

Install docker-compose

There are two main ways to install docker-compose on your system. The first way is to use the package manager on your system. On Mac, for example, you can install docker-compose with the following command:

sudo apt-get install docker-compose

The second way is to download the docker-compose file and extract it to your system. After you have extracted the file, you need to configure your system to use it. You can find a complete guide on how to do this here.

Once you have installed docker-compose, you can start using it by creating a new application directory and then running the following command:

docker-compose up

This command will create a new application called “abc” in the current directory. If you want to see what is happening inside the application, you can run the following command:

docker-compose logs abc

This command will print all of the logs from the “abc” application to the console.

If you want to stop the “abc” application, you can use the following command:

docker-compose down

Set up a staging environment

Creating a staging environment with docker is easy and takes only minutes. After setting up your staging environment, deploy your changes with docker-compose. This will allow you to test updates without affecting your live environment.

Deploy your changes

When you’re ready to deploy a new version of your wordpress site, using docker-compose is a great way to do it. The following steps show you how:

  1. Setup a docker environment

First, you’ll need to create a docker environment. This will allow you to use docker commands to manage your wordpress site. You can use the following command to create the environment:

docker-compose up

This will launch a console that will help you set up your wordpress site.

  1. Install wordpress

Once the environment is set up, you will need to install wordpress. To do this, use the following command:

docker-compose install wordpress

This will install wordpress into the environment and set it up as a web server.

  1. Install docker-compose

Next, you’ll need to install docker-compose. To do this, use the following command:

docker-compose install docker-compose

By following these steps, you can create a staging environment for your WordPress site with minimal effort. This environment will let you test updates before they go live, and keep your live site untouched.

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Published in Coding Computers and IT Start WordPress


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