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Abstraction: A Crucial Feature of the Mind and Memory


Abstraction is a further crucial feature of the mind and memory that I believe is worthwhile to comprehend, especially when it comes to mastering sophisticated abilities.

The Limits of Working Memory

We have a working memory, which could be considered of as the system to end long term memory, which could be thought of as system one based on the most recent scientific findings, as I have previously indicated in my blog postings about learning and memorizing. At most, human working memory is only capable of holding four things in memory at once. Again, multitasking is not possible.

These crucial memory spaces will be taken up by social media, email, and other distractions, which will reduce our capacity to think. While our conscious mind is incapable of processing several bits of information at once, my advice is to concentrate on a single activity.

Complex ideas must be broken down into smaller bits in order for our limited working memory to accommodate what we wish to consciously consider and comprehend.

The Role of Abstraction

As a result, we abstract more complicated ideas in order to fit them into our minds at once. As practically everything in information technology is an abstraction, for instance, those who work in the field are presumably already familiar with the idea of abstraction. Processors, programming languages, more abstract programming languages, APIs, cloud services, and so forth are all available.

The way our memory is built fits nicely with the abstraction hierarchy. With neural connections to the concept’s lower-level components, the higher-level elements serve as memory anchors and aid in bringing the associated lower-level components into working memory.

The Importance of Understanding

We remember things that are significant and essential to us, which brings me to another crucial fact about tales (which I’ve already covered in my blog entries). This means, from the perspective of the puzzle, that we recall something better if we comprehend how it fits in the overall scheme. Knowledge is like super glue.

We create an abstraction hierarchy, where each component plays a logical, significant part in the overall picture, to help us comprehend and recall complicated topics like information technology. Going back and forth through the abstraction helps us see the forest for the trees and strengthens the brain connections that support multidimensional thinking.

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Published in Living Start Writings


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