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Clarity Of Distance

Colorful Painting in Andy Warhol Style

This is a colorful painting of a landscape in the distance with forests and rolling hills in Andy Warhol style. The painting is done in bold and bright colors, using a pop art aesthetic to depict the natural beauty of the landscape.

The digital painting is available for purchase on OpenSea Marketplace as NFT.

“I’m afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning”.

I wanted to convey the idea that the constant bombardment of images and information in our modern world can make it difficult to truly see and appreciate the beauty around us. The quote serves as a reminder to take a step back and truly see the world, before it loses its meaning.

The use of bright colors and the pop art style is a nod to Warhol’s iconic technique, while still maintaining its own unique take on the subject. The painting is a commentary on our fast-paced and over-stimulated society, and it encourages the viewer to slow down and appreciate the world around them.

Just follow the link : Clarity Of Distance – OpenSea NFT

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Published in Artquote-Reflections Digital Paintings Living Start


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