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Learning Through Repetition and Active Recall

Repetition and Learning

Learning begins with repetition. This is a scientific and educational fact that we have all heard before, yet practice doesn’t make perfect; it just makes anything permanent, as we all recall from purposeful practice. As we learn something, we quickly begin to forget it. Reviewing what we have learned will not only bring it back to where it was after the initial cycle of learning, but it will also reduce the pace of forgetting. With time, the forgetting curve will begin to flatten, and we’ll retain more information.

The First Learning Trap

Many of us have developed the undesirable habit of cramming in an attempt to pass a test or exam before the deadline. We just study for a brief time, like the last week, today, or even last night. We can pass the test, but it doesn’t help us remember the material in the long run. Learning would be less stressful if done with the same effort over a longer period of time, and the subject would eventually become more ingrained. While getting a certificate using the deadline miracle might feel good and give you some prestige, if you forget what you learned soon, it will just make you feel more pressured since you’re expected to live up to the certification’s promise.

The Second Learning Trap

Why not spread out the same amount of learning time across a longer period of time, which would also help to establish long-term memory for the subject? A schedule of spaced repetitions can be used to optimize this forgetting curve. Noticing that this repetition should be done with active recollection is crucial. Avoid giving yourself the appearance of competence when reviewing. Just reading or seeing anything again serves as a review by reactivating it in our working memory.

The Optimal Interval for Spaced Repetition

The best advice I can provide is that we should forget the subject before practicing active recall while forgetting. It shouldn’t actively be present in our working memory, making it difficult to retrieve it from long-term memory. Focused attention thought and dispersed thinking are the two types of mental thinking. These might be considered the system one and two once more.  The concentration state is dispersed yet concentrated, cognizant, and rational. Our thoughts stray at will. When we perform anything that doesn’t require our whole concentration, like strolling or sleeping, the diffused mode is active.

The Key to Learning

The important thing is that our minds process and assimilate what we learn in dispersed fashion. As a result, we should compare learning to exercise as neither activity causes growth. Muscle tissue needs to repair itself after exercise. And it’s when we’re recovering that we overcompensate for the harm that exercise has done. While seeking to learn anything, we ought to approach it similarly. Learning must occur in bursts in focused states, followed by recuperation in dispersed states. The diffuse state also aids in clearing our working memory in preparation for the following practice session. Remember that learning requires forgetting first.

Avoid Mental Overload

Mental fatigue is one of the major barriers to productivity. This might occur if you attempt to accomplish too many tasks at once or if you work on one item for an extended period of time without taking a break. Prioritize your work and divide them into smaller, more achievable stages to prevent brain overload. Regularly take pauses and try to concentrate on one item at a time.

Get Enough Sleep

For productivity, sleep is essential. Lack of sleep will leave you feeling drained and lethargic, making it challenging to focus and complete tasks. Set a regular sleep routine and aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. To help you unwind before night, avoid using electronics and establish a calming sleep ritual.

Stay Organized

A messy work area may reflect in the thoughts. Make a method for handling your duties and documents if you want to stay organized. Keep distractions to a minimum and your workstation organized. To help you keep on track, use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and reminders.

Take Breaks

It’s crucial to take breaks if you want to stay productive. Breaks aid in mental cleansing, stress reduction, and increased creativity. Plan regular breaks throughout the day, and take advantage of them by engaging in fun or calming activities. Go for a stroll, turn on some music, or open a book.

Stay Focused

Concentration is essential for productivity. Aim to concentrate on one activity at a time and refrain from multitasking. You can keep on track by setting specific objectives for yourself and using strategies like time blocking. Turn off your phone, close your email, and disable social media sites during working hours to reduce distractions.

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Published in Living Start Writings


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